Læknaneminn - 01.03.1949, Page 22

Læknaneminn - 01.03.1949, Page 22
22 LÆKNANEMINN Lœknislistin. T. J. Horder lávarður, þekktur brezk- ur læknir, og kennari við St. Barthol- emew’s spítala í London, ávarpaði læknanema við setningu háskólans í Sheffield. Hið athyglisverða ávarp hans birtist sem aðalgrein í „Lancet“ 6. nóv. s.l. Við leyfum okkur að birta hér nokkrar setningar úr þessu ávarpi hans, sem á erindi til allra læknanema, hvar sem er. Ekki hefir okkur þótt ástæða til að útleggja þessar tilvitnanir, enda þarf til þess snilligáfu orðkynginn- ar, þannig að ekki missi marks. Horden lávarður greinir sem grundvöll læknislistarinnar tvo meginþætt: skilning og samúð. “A wise man once gave a de- finition of what he called suc- cessful Medicine in the words: ‘Successful Medicine is sympa- thy armed with understanding.’ entirely agree, and I think that the definition would lose none of its truth if it ran: ‘Success- ful Medicine is understanding touched with sympathy' . . .” — Um skilning segir hann, að við eigum að greina glögglega milli lesturs, athygli og meðalhófsmats: “I am quite sure, that exces- sive reading may be a form of laziness and I shall precisely teli you why: If you spend most of your time reading, you are like- ly to be left, not only with no time for1 the more important oc- cupations of observation and thinking, but also with no mmd wherewith to do these essential things.” . . . “The knowledge which a man can use is the only real knowledge that has life and growth in it. The rest hangs like dust about the brain or dries like raindrops on a stone . . (J. A. Froude, 1818—1894). Observation: . . . “At first, and probably for some time you wiíl observe things that are quite useless, things that are quite dissociated. — How can it be otherwise ? But later . . . your observations tend to become systematised, purposeful and synthetically useful . . . In time you will de- velop power of observing things that are not obvious, — associ- ated things, that together make sense; that make, in the fullest meaning of that word — a dia- gnosis . . .” I útleggingu sinni um nauðsyn samúðarkenndar, vitnar Horder lávarður í fyrirlestur eftir Petei’ Latham: “Diseases are not abstrac- tions; they are modes of acting; different from the natural and healthy modes, — modes of dis- organising, modes of suffering and modes of dying; and there must be a living, sentient body for allt this. This body must be your study and your continued care. Nothing must make you shrink from it. In its weakness and infirmities you must stiil value it, — still stand by it — to mark its hunger and thirst, in sleeping and waking, its heat



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